【同义词辨析】 2020-10-22 重复引述遵守花销捆绑(5小组一起记)

(1) 重复
repeat: stresses the fact of uttering, presenting, or doing again one or more times: ~ed the joke over and over.   repeat作形容词表示再一次的,如repeat customer/offender回头客/再次犯罪者,而repeated表示反复的)

reiterate: usually implies one repetition after another especially of something that is said: ~d her views on the matter at every opportunity.   如to reiterate a claim/view/point重申声索/观点

iterate: means the same as reiterate but is rarer and has a bookish feel: an ancient theme ~d by many noted authors.

repeat重复: 指再次说或做,reiterate重述重申: 指为了强调而重述,较正式,iterate重述重申: 同reiterate,但更书面少用

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

         2)重复的意思是再次说mean to say or do again.

(2) 引述
quote: usually implies precise repetition of the words of another for a particular purpose: illustrate the use of a word by ~ing classical and modern authors; but sometimes quote is applied to a more general referral to someone as author or source of information: don't ~ me as your authority.   新闻播报中常和unquote联用,如she said it was quote, "time for a change," unquote她说是时候改变了。   (quote的另一个常用意思是报价to tell someone the price at which something can be bought or done,如one builder quoted a much lower price for the job一个建造商的报价比其他人低很多)   refer这里指"说某人说了某话"

cite: is likely to stress the idea of mentioning for a particular reason, such as proof of thesis or substantiation of a position taken, with or without the idea of quoting another's exact words: his analysis of the causes of student unrest has been ~d in several recent judicial opinions.

repeat: stresses the mere fact of saying or writing again the words or presenting the ideas of another often with no reference to the source and little concern for precision: ~ a scandalous story told one in confidence.

quote引述: 指精确引述他人的话,但有时也指一般的引述,cite引证引述: 指引用他人的话作为证据论据,未必精确,repeat复述: 仅表示再次由他人说出写出,可能未提信息来源,语言也不精确

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

         2)引述的意思是引用他人文字mean to speak or write again something already said or written by another.

(3) 遵守
obey: is the general term and implies ready and submissive yielding to authority: ~ed her parents.           obey还表示遵守自然法则,如falling objects obey the law of free fall下落物体遵守自由落体法则        yield让步服从to give way, to give up,如to yield to pressure屈服于压力,在压力下让步,如to yield to authority服从权威    ready准备就绪的,随时能够快速行动的,submissive顺从的

comply: often used with with, is likely to imply complaisance, dependence, or lack of a strong opinion: willing to ~ with the opinion of the majority.   (如we complied with the request/law我们同意请求/遵守法律,they were not in compliance with the rules他们未遵守规则,如a compliant servant性格温顺的服务员) complaisant温顺顺从的ready to accept other people's actions and opinions and to do what other people want without complaining,如his pretty and complaisant wife他漂亮又温顺的妻子)

mind: is likely to be used in connection with children or juniors and in admonition or warning:children must ~ their parents; or in a weaker sense can carry the implication of heeding or attending in order to conform or comply: ~ you, he never spoke to me about it.   (如mind your parents父母的,如mind your language说话注意(=stop saying offensive things),如mind your step/head注意台阶/头,如mind your own business少闲事)   admonish告诫,指真诚友善的警告建议

obey遵守: 泛指遵守权威,comply遵守遵从: 同上,但暗示温顺依赖主见,mind遵从、注意: 指儿童未成年人遵从告诫,或表示注意

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

         2)遵守的意思是听从指示mean to follow the direction of another.

(4) 花销
spend: suggests the mere fact of paying out: ~ a nickel for candy; or implies a draining or depleting or exhausting of what is used: ~ months trying to find a satisfactory house.  drain, deplete, exhaust都表示耗尽

expend: is likely to be chosen with reference to public or business rather than private spending and to imply an outlaying of large amounts: vowed to ~ money on education if elected.   outlay开销花销

disburse: implies a paying out of money from a fund, but it may also imply distribution , such as to pensioners or heirs, and often stresses an acting under authority: needed a court decree to ~ the funds.      fund 1、基金专款an amount of money that has been saved or has been made available for a particular purpose,如a disaster relief fund赈灾专款,the company's pension fund公司的养老基金,the International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织  2、资金现款(用复数)money that is available to be spent,如government funds政府资金,the hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine这家医院正设法募集资金购买新血液透析器,如the project has been cancelled because of lack of funds这个项目因缺乏资金已经取销,如i'm short of funds at the moment─can I pay you back next week我目前缺钱,下周还你行吗)

spend花销: 泛指花费钱财时间等,expend支出: 多指公共工商支出,数目较,disburse基金支出: 特指从基金支出

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

         2)开销的意思是支出mean to pay out for something received or expected.

tie: implies the use of a line, such as a rope or chain or strap, to attach one thing that may move to another that is stable: ~ the boat securely to the dock.    rope绳和string线的区别是rope更粗更结实thicker and stronger than a string)   bandstrap都是带子,但band是圆的,strap不一定,并且比band窄

bind: implies the use of a band or bond to attach two or more things firmly together: used wire to ~ the gate to the fence post.     bond锁链束缚ropes or chains that prevent free movement)    

tie系: 指用线绳连上拴上,可能还能活动,bind捆绑: 指用宽带粗绳更牢固固定在一起

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

         2)的意思是使固定mean to make fast or secure.